

How I Recovered from Multiple Anxiety Disorders after 22 Years Suffering in Just a Few Days.

How a 'home-recovery' method became an NHS tested, CPD accredited recovery therapy...

...and the most effective scientific solution to all anxiety disorders - that all sufferers have within them.

My recovery led to helping millions of people.

I'm Charles Linden and I was YOU once.

From 1972 to 1996 I experienced every manifestation of anxiety disorder possible, but in late 1996, I recovered fully and dedicated my life to bringing that science to you and all sufferers.

To date, I have helped over 30 million people and over 420,000 people have used our core recovery instruction program to change their lives - and I am about to change yours.

Back then, I called the process The Linden Method. I wish I hadn't though because it's been government tested by the NHS and confirmed as the most effective recovery therapy available... so much so, that you can now train to become one of our accredited recovery therapist as many already have. The name The Linden Method has stuck, but I wish I'd called it something else.

We now also run the world-renowned Anxiety Recovery Retreats, Workshops and other events that have been accessed by thousands of sufferers and my wife, Beth, and I, who front the organisation, are beyond proud of our psychology team and educators for the lives they have saved and changed.

Aged 13 - My anxiety disorders ruled my life.

As you can see from my face, I wasn't happy. I hardly smiled. Despite having a nice family environment and having part-time jobs that paid for my hobby... rebuilding old motorbikes... and having lots of friends, I was constantly sad and afraid.

Things happened in my body and mind that I didn't understand and no one else did either. The doctor thought I had depression, my mum said I was over-sensitive, school thought I might be Autistic or suppressing feelings about my sexuality... I heard it all.

My intrusive, racing thoughts fuelled the overwhelming physical symptoms in a never ending cycle.

What I DID know for sure though, was that no matter what I did, nothing got better, no one explained my symptoms or thoughts in any way at all, no one understood WHY I was suffering and despite all of the doctors, psychologists and psychiatrists - I got worse. Constantly and consistently worse.

Now I know that none of those 'experts' even know about the core science of anxiety disorders. I also know that of the many hundreds of psychologists, psychiatrists and doctors I have personally cured of their own anxiety conditions, NONE was prepared to go back to work and tell their own patients the truth.

Why? Because they can't profit from recovery. 

By 1996, my conditions had changed me beyond recognition.

I was a housebound agoraphobic with panic disorder, emetophobia, Pure O, OCD, health anxiety and eating disorders... to name but a few.

I was 'tanked up' on Diazepam (Valium), Stelazine, Prozac and a load of supplements and concoctions. 

I was too scared to live and too scared to die.

My life consisted of my living room, a blanket and Cadbury's chocolate. I didn't want to eat, I felt like I couldn't swallow or breathe properly. My chest hurt, my throat felt like I had a lump in it and my face felt numb on the one side. I constantly felt dizzy and nauseous. My eyes wouldn't focus, my ears made weird noises and I felt on the edge of passing out. I hardly slept and when I did I was woken by night-frights and nightmares. I felt detached, dreamy, spaced out and like I was living in a simulation of life.

My relationships were in tatters. No one wanted to be near me for fear of getting dragged into my misery.

In my heart, I knew I would never have a normal life, a good job, education or children.

The endlessness of suffering made me feel desperate, isolated and hopeless.

Just 6 months after the photo above, I was entirely renewed.

I went from being an emotional hermit, addicted to prescription medications, too scared to leave my living room, jobless, moneyless, desperate and alone... to working as a producer for the BBC, making broadcast TV, working six days a week, making £50k a year and happy.

I suddenly had a home, a car, a partner, an income, career and freedom from the anxiety disorder that had dominated my life for 22 years.

My OCD disappeared completely. My emetophobia and panic attacks stopped. Every inappropriate thought and feeling just faded away.

How long did it take to feel anxiety free? FOUR DAYS

Is that everyone's experience? It can be! Will it happen for you? Yes! In how long? That all depends on your ability to listen to me and do as I say.

Can it fail? NO. 

I can't tell you strongly enough that this process is the ONLY cure for anxiety conditions... just like drinking is the only 'cure' for thirst.

41 year old - with the wife and family my psychiatrist said that I'd never have.

The psychiatrist also told me that I'd always need residential care or at least a full time carer. He told me I'd never have a job or a home of my own. He told me I'd never get married... he also told me the only way I could experience happiness EVER was to buy 'dirty magazines' and make use of them.

He wasn't the only one.

Every single one of my psychologists, counsellors, psychiatrists and doctors over 22 years of suffering, told me I'd never recover; that recovery isn't possible and that I would always need medication and 'support'. 

Let me tell you something... almost every person of the 420,000 I have helped through this program alone, was told the same thing... they tell me so... but, every single one of my clients will now tell you that they are lies... lies told by greedy, misinformed and/or selfish people who wouldn't know an adrenal gland if it slapped them around the face.


My vision was to make sure that no one else suffered like I had.

This is a sheet from an NHS questionnaire filled out by a 14 year old after 10 days...

...using my program during an NHS trial.

We have done a number of trials for the government... for education and the National Health Service. 

On every occasion, the program has outperformed CBT, counselling, medication, hypnosis and all their other treatments over 20:1... even on a TV show, ours was the only therapy that helped any of the subjects so the program had to be edited down.

But, without exception, when psychologists and psychiatrists hear about how successful our programs are... they shut us down, shut us out, attempt to silence us and undermine us. 

They've even threatened us... and I don't mean with legal action!

They don't want YOU to know what we know.

They don't want the word to get out... and they are prepared to do and say, pretty much, anything to stop it. 

These are the people who, without agenda, speak out for me and what we do...

...over the years of being a recovery coach and Hay House author, I have got to meet some amazing people and to go places and experience things that most do not. It was great... BUT... more importantly, these people help US because they see what a difference we make.

It's not just the folks in the pictures opposite though... it's 1000s of clients from all over the world and many, many more celebrities, sports-people, actors, politicians, aristocrats and more. They just don't always want to say so.

I understand that privacy is vital - but I wish more of the celebrities I have helped would speak out.

I have had many promises from billionaires, industrialists, organisations and charities... but selfishly, most do nothing... they get cured and live their lives. And that's fine, but it doesn't help the millions who suffer.


Testing Specified by The National Health Service (NHS)

‍Data analysis by Martin Jensen MSc – Data analysis carried out at the University of Copenhagen

RESULTS PRECIS: How Effective is The Linden Method?​ Reduction in anxiety from 18.24 out of 21 to 2.84.  

The Linden Method has been shown to return anxiety disorder sufferers to normal levels of anxiety. Average incoming anxiety level 18.24 out of 21 (Severe) – Average post program score 2.84 (Normal)The following report has been compiled having completed an independent efficacy trial.

Results Graph

The mean pre- and post-treatment scores for participants in the study were 18.28 and 2.84 respectively. This indicates that a large percentage of participants had severe anxiety problems before entering the treatment programme. In contrast, post-treatment results indicate, that for the majority of participants, anxiety no longer presented as a major issue in their day-to-day life.

How does it work?

Do you accept that:

Drinking cures thirst

Eating cures hunger

Exercise creates fitness

I think you'll agree that these are FIXED human processes... and nothing can change them.

Now understand this... FEAR (anxiety), is activated and deactivated in ONE way. That cannot be changed. No medication, therapy, relaxation or any other process can turn anxiety on and off.

Now imagine how it would be to know how to switch anxiety on and off... and to be able to MAKE it happen.

That's exactly what I will teach you. Nothing else works. Nothing else can work. This is the most simple, scientific and permanent solution.

In the same way as drinking cures thirst... this process cures anxiety disorders.  

 Once my story hit the newpapers and magazines, the next 26 years of my life were predestined

First it was local papers, then The Times, The Independent, The Daily Mail and more. Then Vogue Magazine, Cosmopolitan, Tatler, Marie Claire and more. I became an 'agony uncle for Women's Own and Woman magazines and consultant to many. Then TV channels, celebrity client interviews, my own TV series, Gok Wan and TV studios where I worked backstage at Eastenders, Coronation Street, Emmerdale and in studios and on set in Hollywood. I helped aristocracy, CEOs, Hollywood actors, international sports-stars, A list performers... the list goes on.

I have made many friends who are ambassadors for our work... it's been an incredible rollercoaster so far and long may it continue.

What we do works, works quickly and can't fail. It's my life's work, my passion and my legacy.

All I need is your permission to help you to live your perfect life.


We've now helped over 30 million people...

...over 26 years of practice.  We run residential retreats, workshops, corporate recovery, schools recovery and practitioner training.

We are a registered educational organisation and only employ educators and qualified mental health professionals.

We are SO, SO proud of Charles and the lives he has saved and changed but I am equally as proud of our team. They are incredible people who do an incredible job to help 1000s of people every year.

We love our work and love what we have done over the last 22 years BUT, we know that what we do should be in the hands of every sufferer. That's frustrating but also incredibly sad.

Beth Linden.
Programs Director.

"This method and this man has single handedly saved my life, I went from having10-20 panic attacks a day with a whole host of other things that came with it. I was driving round my local hospital everyday, all day! I couldn't look after my children or do anything apart from be in my car ready to go to the hospital to be 'saved'. This method has given me my life back in more ways than I could have ever imagined. The NHS although I am more than grateful for all other services does not treat anxiety and panic disorders that cure it completely in any way - I tried it CBT, EFT talk therapies, brief medication - none worked.This did, and I owe every gratitude to it.This isn't some woo hoo based therapy, it's science and nuroplasticity and it works. Seriously if you are even considering doing TLM - do it . Within minutes my panic attacks stopped and within a few weeks I was on a plane to Ibiza with my children !! (Bare in mind I couldn't even sit in a restaurant without severely panicking and driving to the hospital!) My life has been transformed and I couldn't recommend this method enough. Happy holidays."  Linzi B

Expert knowledge with you at all times

Trusted by over 420,000 clients, 1000s of referring doctors, NHS and educational departments, celebrities, sports-people, TV and film studios and organisations over 26 years of practice

The Linden Method & Anxiety Relief Club

Simple video and live instruction leading to full and lifelong relief from all anxiety disorders


This digital course + email & phone support and live, interactive recovery webinars shows you how to create fast recovery. You’ll get full, simple instructions on how to create real, scientific recovery and a life filled with excitement and success instead of worry, phobias, obsessions, compulsions and anguish.

Use this simple process to SWITCH OFF all anxiety conditions, no matter how old you are, how long you have suffered or what you have tried before (or a trying now). This will 'cut through' all other treatments and quickly switch off anxiety.


  • Generalised anxiety disorder
  • Agoraphobia & monophobia
  • OCD and Pure O
  • Health Anxiety
  • PTSD
  • Derealization & depersonalization
  • Emetophobia
  • Eating Disorder
  • Self-harm
  • Fear of dying or fainting
  • School-phobia
  • Social anxiety

You also receive


From our recovery psychology professionals


From our recovery psychology professionals


All our programs are 'cross-device' ready

What do you get from me?

26 years of practice, millions of people helped. I am here to personally lead you to full recovery.


Watch the short instruction videos and ask me when you need guidance 

It really is that simple. Just listen to me and 'do'.

What's so beautiful about this therapy is that it's not therapy!!  It's common-sense coaching.

People ask me "Why is it so simple and yet nobody told me this before?" The answer is simple too... because recovery doesn't 'pay'... doctors, psychologists and psychiatrists don't want you to be 'well'... they want you to pay to try to 'get well'.

I realised just that in 1996 when I recovered! Since then I have personally helped tens of thousands of people who have the exact same experience. 

I am tired and sickened by the misinformation - but it also inspires me to continue till I have helped every person on earth.


What do you get from me?

26 years of practice, millions of people helped. I am here to personally lead you to full recovery.


Watch the short instruction videos and ask me when you need guidance 

It really is that simple. Just listen to me and 'do'.

What's so beautiful about this therapy is that it's not therapy!!  It's common-sense coaching.

People ask me "Why is it so simple and yet nobody told me this before?" The answer is simple too... because recovery doesn't 'pay'... doctors, psychologists and psychiatrists don't want you to be 'well'... they want you to pay to try to 'get well'.

I realised just that in 1996 when I recovered! Since then I have personally helped tens of thousands of people who have the exact same experience. 

I am tired and sickened by the misinformation - but it also inspires me to continue till I have helped every person on earth.